Friday, April 3, 2009

Fail Day

12:12 AM of April 3, I realized that the day before, April 2, was an epic fail day.

1.) I failed to wake up early to jog in the morning and I even cursed my cellphone for its alarm (which I intended to set the night before in order to help me wake up).

2.) I left our Toyota's fog lights open for 5 hours after I drove from the supermarket to purchase off some goods which drained the vehicle's battery.

3.) I cooked dinner the wrong way since I did not get the right mix of ingredients for the Milkfish and I screwed up the rice too since it's burnt when I opened its pot.

4.) The most epic of them all is that I learned from AISIS Online that I flunked my Accounting 10 course for the second time.

Good bye Ateneo.

I'm a failure.

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